Article reference:

Of Auras and Cosmic Energy

The day when science will begin to investigate paranormal phenomena, more progress will be made in one decade than in all the past centuries of its previous existence. - Nikola Tesla

Our "advanced" civilization knows very little about the so-called subtle energies, those we cannot measure with our usual electrical instruments. Indeed, any such knowledge is routinely ridiculed by people who call themselves skeptics.


Sun Temple - Sacred Valley of the Incas, Peru

We think if knowledge is not scientific, that is, if it has not been obtained within the last few decades and measured with current instrumentation, then it has no place in our conception of things. This attitude is a great liability, a serious hindrance to our understanding of history and of the energetics in our environment.

Miroslav Provod, a researcher in the Czech Republic, has found many clues that such knowledge did exist in the past and that our forebears have used it to good effect. He has posted one of his essays on this site as a comment to another article, and I am re-posting Provod's essay here.

Let Miroslav take you on a voyage of discovery of some of this lost knowledge regarding the energies associated with matter and how those energies link us humans to the cosmos.

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Cosmic energy versus aura

Miroslav Provod

At the time, when Aristotle suggested to the world of physics the word "ether", this word had already been known for millennia. Ether is a part of energy that had its name in each culture. Taoists called it "čchi" Babylonians "ti", Inds "Ódžas", the japanese "rei ki", Hebrews "ruach", Tibetans "šugs rlung", the Vedic religion "prána".

Four thousand years later occultist Reichenbach called the spatial irradiation of life energy "ód". In many cases of recent history this energy of life matter that irradiates into its surroundings was called "magnetism". This "magical" energy still attracts our attention that is even getting greater and that's why it would be appropriate to summarise its very long terminology. In the literature it is usually described as cosmic energy. That's how we called it in our empirical research and I think that this name is appropriate. Because of the same reason it would be better if we called the first part of cosmic energy, which had been up to now in our research called "energetic space", by its usual name aura. Cosmic energy consists of three energetic parts - the aura, the zones and the interzones. Ether consists of two energetic parts - the zones and the interzones.

Cosmic energy = aura + zones + interzones

Ether = zones + interzones

The properties of aura are associated with all matter, not only organisms, as is sometimes described. By experiments with aura we got to know that when the auras of two or more objects are in contact, their auras come together to form one common aura. It was found in other experiments, that the energies of objects that form their common aura are slowly exchanged in between them until their energetic potentials are equal. This phenomenon that hasn't been described anywhere yet, could be used to explain many unexplainable events. It's nothing new - the properties of aura, which we will be learning, were already used 2000 years before the first pyramid was built. At, you can find in the part called "diagrams" the graphical illustration of the three parts of cosmic energy - the aura, the zones and the interzones, with a detailed description of their properties.

Nobody has yet been successful when trying to find the motivation for building hundreds of thousands of megalithic constructions, while the properties of aura offer evident explanation. If we place a rock into the aura of a water stream, the auras of both matters join into one common and the rock gains energy. It works in the same way if we place a different aura into the aura of a water stream, including organisms. It works like this in between matters of all elements - the matter in a common aura that has lower energetic potential gains energy from the matter with higher energetic potential. There are numerous examples, like with other physical phenomena, of energetic interaction between matters. It's easy to manipulate with the size of aura. It's quickest and most efficient when using groups of capacitors with great capacitance. However, we don't recommend to experiment with capacitors charged to high voltages, because it leads to an increase of potential on the membranes of our cells, which could cause some health anomalies. The properties of aura can't be put together with the result, which we would expect. The aura of a group of capacitors of a radius of 40cm can influence us negatively. However, it has been proved over time that the aura of a mobile telephone with a radius of a few tens of centimeters doesn't affect our health.

Aura - the first energetic part of each matter - is a common name. In connection with cosmic energy, the unknown parts are the zones and the interzones, the second and third energetic parts of each matter. The zones are copying the shape of the aura like peels and in various distances in between them. With greater distance from their source they gain gigantic dimensions and it's not possible to find out how far from the source they go. We don't know why, but each third zone is ten times greater than the first and the second zone. In the space between zones there are energetically weaker interzones. There are usually four of them, but in some cases there are more of them and they are always located closer to the zone that is located closer to the source. Together with the zones there is a great number of them and they create a very dense three dimensional raster - ether.

In regions of any matter, even in the regions of gas planets or clouds, we always find three parts of cosmic energy. Many objects can have their own aura, for example a stone, a lump of stones, a building, a group of buildings, a person, a stadium filled by people, a stream, a thunderstorm cloud, a tree, a planet - until the aura gets in contact with an aura of a different matter. In such a case both come together to form one energetically common aura with common energetic parts. It works like this in most cases, but there are also exeptions. Our planet Earth has the greatest aura by the above stated rule, so all the auras on the Earth should then have one common aura with the Earth. It's not like this. Hopefully, some measuring devices will give us a clue in the future.

The crossing zones and interzones fill the surface and surrounding area of our or any other planet. These etherical parts are located literally everywhere throughout space and we are able to define the density and compositon of their "mother" matter, by looking at their changing etherical intensity. There are specific widths and distances between zones and interzones of every matter and every matter also causes or sends out into space its specific etheric parts - it's like a bar code characteristic for each matter. It's not far before we could identify the type, the amount and the distance of some elements under the Earth's surface that is kilometres below the surface by means of special detectors and computers. So we always meet the zones and the interzones on our planet in connection to ether.

The cosmic energy and its three energetic parts have been used by people for millennia. Einstein disregarded ether by his unshakable logic. Ether isn't acted upon by gravity, it's not material - ether is "nothing". It's invisible, it can't be measured nor weighed. We can't calculate it so "NOTHING" can't exist. The logic and knowledge of modern physics doesn't allow scientists to protest against Einstein and to accept again that ether exists. Modern physics just isn't able to accept the existence of ether based on its knowledge and therefore it must reject it.

However, immaterial or more likely slightly material energetic ether does exist.

The fact that ether exists is also supported by satellites whose optic documented that lightning discharges from thunderclouds don't occur only between clouds or between the clouds and the Earth but also between the clouds and somewhere above them, somewhere unknown away from the Earth. Where and how does this incredible energy go? The cause and reason for this fact haven't been explained yet anywhere. Similarly, physical vacuum is associated with the cause of energy of up to 1000times more energetic lightning discharges on Saturn as they were documented by the Cassini probe.

Einstein was certainly a genius, however he wasn't infallible. For example, at present we know that the speed of light is not a maximum speed. In some time we will also know that the person that was wrong with the hypothesis about ether wasn't Aristoteles but Einstein. Some individuals who can, without optical means, identify a moving living thing, for example a person, sometimes even long distance away from them, talk usually about "registering" the movement of the person's aura. This term is however not correct. An aura of a person, whose energy is about average, is about thirty centimeters "fat", wide or more likely high. So if people with extremely developed sensitivity in a static position register a movement of etheric energetic parts of a moving person, they don't register the actual aura to such a distance but etheric spatial "impulses" that are moving from the aura into the surrounding space of "infinitely distributed" etherical zones and interzones.

The energetic value of a matter (the level of cosmic energy) is increasing for example with increasing pressure on a given matter. The "aura" of water could be in addition also increased by thermal or microwave heating. Another increase of energy with liquids could be realized by so called dynamization. (In a lab we could reach dynamisation just by shaking, when the molecules intensively act by friction on each other. When sea water is dynamised by inner and outer friction near a shore it shows greater energetic values in that area, which also increases its surrounding aura or cosmic energy.) It's interesting that each matter has its "energetic memory". It means that if a rock gains cosmic energy when exposed to great pressure, it doesn't lose it straight after the pressure is removed. Each matter, therefore, has an ability to acumulate the cosmic energy in itself for some time.

Everybody knows places such as Lourdes, where people were spontaneously cured in relation to headwaters. In many places like this there are pilgrimage churches built above these headwaters. Many skeptics talk about these miraculous cures in these places or in normal thermal spas with contempt. In these cases it is energetically modified water, which was subject to great pressure and was warmed up deep under ground. It is known that in some spas the water also gains energy from rocks that contain energetically strong metals. There are also spas where unexpected cures occur due to the energy taken from water that was close to radioactive rocks that contain the very energetic element uranium deep under ground. In some spas the bodily energy is reinforced by drinking underground energetically intensive water, in others the cosmic energy is gained by the body when swimming in the water, when the cosmic energy is transformed from the charged water into the patient's body. It is known that an ill person often doesn't need special medicine for his cure, but a sufficiency of "inner" cosmic energy, in order for the body to initiate the cure processes. Especially elderly people often don't have enough energy to cure their health process. The cells in bodies of some people have often lower intensity of cosmic energy than the molecules of curative water. By being in this energetically rich water the cells of the curing patients gain greater energetic level on their cellular membranes, which is a basic precondition for the proper functioning of these cells and also a mechanism that begins their cure.

The energetic parts of cosmic energy have similar properties to electric energy in many ways. By components of unknown principle that cause cosmic energy, there is an effect called "suction by a point", which is similar to that of electrons. The cosmic energy flows from areas with greater energetic levels to areas with lower energetic levels. While the transfer of electrical energy happens immediately, cosmic energy transfers between different sources at a much slower rate. However, some properties of cosmic energy differ from those of electrical energy. Electromagnetic waves don't penetrate Faraday's cage but this is not true with cosmic energy. If we place a source of cosmic energy into a safe (any other source of cosmic energy), they are in interaction and the final value is a sum of both energetic sources.

There are traces of manipulation with cosmic energy and ether found throughout the ages. Now we look back in time and search for the effort of our ancestors who knew the equation of the linear relationship between the intensity of the etheric potential of their body and their better health very well.

If we evaluate megalithic constructions from the cosmic energy standpoint, we find out that a when a rock of a pointed shape is placed into the aura of a water stream or into a place where there are zones of that water stream, it gaines energy from that water source and it starts to be a menhir. With respect to specific weight and composition of that rock this standing point - menhir - gains greater energetic value than a standing point - a man - would gain. This rock works like an energetic storage battery. Upper streams that are more "dynamised" with faster flow and with waterbed made of stones show greater energy than lower streams with slower flow and with a soft waterbed. This is also emphasised by the fact that menhirs are situated in the upper parts of water streams, especially in their inner bends, where the zones are denser and create greater energetic value. This can be easily verified by a simple experiment.

We wind a hose around a rock that is about 2 metres high. The value of it's aura could be modified by changing the number of threads or by changing the intensity of the water flow. However, the energy doesn't go up quickly. The cosmic energy transfers very slowly as stated above. It's not like an "acceleration" when we press a gas pedal in a car. The matter of the rock has a significant energetic inertia and the energetic increase takes place over a time period that could last from tens of minutes up to hours depending on its mass. Similar energetic "dope" (an increase of cosmic energy on the cellular membranes of the cells in a human body) could be reached when a person sits on a chair that is wrapped in tens of threads of a plastic hose with flowing water. The rock could be activated not only by the energy of water flows (underground wells, streams, rivers, sea streams), but also by other energetic sources like for example: metals, fire, thunderclouds and many other sources.

A classic example of an energetic gain of a rock from ether was a menhir "Mené er Groah" (it was destroyed by a lightning strike), which was 23.5 metres high and was located near Locmariaquer in Bretagne. It is an isolated case, but is very informative, because it brings up the knowledge of ancient cultures about the energetic properties of ether. The engineers got a task to build an energetic source of the capacity wanted in that place. The easiest solution would have been to spread the matter of a high menhir into more menhirs. However, this wasn't possible, as the ether zones didn't offer the required energetic level - this was located higher above the ground surface. The engineers then had to build a high menhir. The obelisks built in later cultures had the same energetic reason as "Mené er Groah" menhir.

The lonely standing menhir was the easiest megalithic structure that was giving energy to many people. In order to refill or increase the level of cosmic energy in our body people didn't have to sit on top of the menhir for hours. It was enough when the "cured" person stayed in the region of aura of the menhir or even in a zone that was located further from the menhir. People didn't miss the fact that they could gain more energy faster when they are between two or more menhirs, where the auras are denser. This inspired them to cover the tip of the menhir with another rock. This is how an energetically "richer" dolmen was created. There are hundreds of thousands of dolmens existing. The ancient engineers did know well that it matters what type of rock needs to be placed on top of the "curing platform". The effort to reach a maximum value of cosmic energy and the ability to compare the energetic interaction that is related to the chemical structure of individual types of rocks compelled the ancient wizards and healers to often difficult transport of different rocks and stones. These engineers must have known the energetic values of the interactions very well because even that they could have placed a stone from a close vicinity onto the dolmen desk, they have transported big stones from great distances whose chemical structure was different.

The next level of energetic structures of the past were Zikkurats (Babylonian tower). With time, the progress came to the knowledge that the matter of the structure, which gains energy from etheric zones, does not have to be a monolith nor a rock but it could also be a large quantity of earth. Moreover, the matter of the structure of a zikkurat was activated by a metal (on the top there was a golden statue of a god). Later, this knowledge was used by all megalithic and religious structures. Towers with bells, minarets with golden domes etc. further dynamically increased the energy of the objects. However, the increase of cosmic energy can't be beneficial for human health in a linear relationship forever. When building religious structures it was observed that more means less, in other words - from the present sciences point of view - it was found that going over the optimal level of charge on the cellular membranes is dangerous in the same way or worse than the energetic deficit. The matter of the structure had to be balanced between the energetic gain, the amount of time spent in the sanctuary and the number of people who were inside. Because of that, pastorates were built out of the energetic reach of the religious structure. The energy could have been regulated by the number and height of towers. The towers then gain energy from three sources - when penetrating etheric zones, because of the known fact of suction by a point and they are activated by the metal of the bells. We can't pass over the position of the bells. In the 15th and 16th centuries the bells were sometimes hung in the opposite way from what is usual - with the clapper upwards. This was especially beneficial with heavy bells that were then easily swung - the bell started to swing under it's own weight and the swinging was kept by a paddle. Because this way of hanging bells was considered uncatholic in the 17th century, most bells in most towers that had been hung in this way were modified to hang with the clapper downwards. By an easy experiment we could easily prove that bells that are hung with the clapper downwards increase the energetic value of the tower by 250%. If the bell is hung with the clapper upwards, the basic energetic value of the matter of the tower decreases by 30%. The shape of the matter of the bell works in the same way as the shape of a water stream, dome or cope does: it creates greater energetic density. The towers of religious structures that have a globelet located on their top (it's a similar case like when there is a bell hung with the tongue upwards), decrease the energetic value of the structure.

The calculation of the optimal amount of matter and height of the towers was impossible before the construction began because of the creation of different relations between surrounding zones and interzones. It was not until the construction had begun that the energy of the object was being regulated until it reached its optimal value by changing the volume of the matter, the amount of metals, the energetically strong crystallic pebbles or the height of the suction points. The characteristic energetic properties for all kinds of religious structures was their high mass, towers, rounded shapes and supplemental activation parts like metals, fires, etc.

The motivation for the construction of menhirs, dolmens, kromlechs, mounds, stone mans and other similar structures was usually explained by astronomical, calendar, agricultural and ritual motives. It is no wonder that other arguments couldn't have been offered by considering the knowns facts. But there are even more mysterious megalithic structures - thousands of stone spheres that weigh more than 15 tons each. They are located in Costa Rica and in other parts of the American continent and some even close to the north pole. The arguments for their existence weren't persuasive but I agree that it's not possible to explain them without the knowledge of ether. A rock in the shape of a sphere that is located in an etheric zone is energetically activated and becomes an independent source, which sends spherical zones out into surrounding space. These cross other energetically stronger etheric zones, interact with them and by their conductive properties bring greater amount of cosmic energy to the place where the stone sphere is located. It is probable that heads of Olmecs that are made from stone and have similar mass could have had a similar function.

In the Nazca plain, the etheric zones are marked in the flat terrain. The water flows that were built underground were built to connect individual zones so that the energy could be transported to another place. A verification that shows that the zones in the Nazca plain were made energetically stronger are the rows of stones located very close to some zones (the stones are in interaction with the zone).

Today's architecture isn't interested in the energetics of structures and some structures could be so called "cancer houses" or could just slowly negatively affect their inhabitants. Skeptics could say that the steel constructions of skyscrapers and their height must show the negative effect more markedly. The answer could be found in history, when people on the American continent built more than a hundred thousand mounds, they cared a lot that the clay mounds weren't built on a subsoil made from rock and they carefully isolated them by means of organic matter. When building mounds in Europe, the same technological progress was observed. When constructing skyscrapers, we can't even imagine that they would be built in another way than on a solid subsoil made from rock. We can deduct that the contact of the structure with the seam works in the same way as grounding by the fact that it drains the energy away into the ground. However, it could be different with some low-bed structures that were built on earthen seams. In these connections it could be interesting to find out statistically the death rate in different hospitals.

It's not easy to believe the fact that ancient people already had knowledge about etheric energy that our civilisation will now only start to learn. The twentieth century, when thousands of scientists unsuccessfully tried to resolve the mysteries of megalithic culture proves that the explanation is not in the region of known facts. Therefore we looked for the answers of puzzles of structures somewhere else.

June 2006

Miroslav Provod sen. + jun.

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Dowsing versus aura

Miroslav Provod

What is the natural force that causes the dowsing rod to move is only one question of many for which we are still trying to find the answer. However, we are not the only one trying to answer this; the same case could be found in Physics. Cited from specialists' literature - "We do not know why this happens; we just know the experimental fact that two positively charged bodies repel each other". It's therefore not logical to doubt the movement of a dowsing rod in connection with this information, because a similar mystery is also in Physics. It can't be excluded that an identical natural force moves the dowsing rod. Other than that, it was found by doing an empirical research that the known physical phenomenon of "charge flux" doesn't work only in a laboratory, but everywhere in nature. It's not easy to believe that the phenomenon of charge flux was already known and used by our ancestors when menhirs, Babylonian towers, pyramids, obelisks and all types of holy structures were built.


I have been using a kind of dowsing rod for many years, which is also known as "little butterfly (motýlek)" in the Czech Republic.

At the beginning I wasn't able to orientate in the reactions of the dowsing rod, but everything changed when I found by chance an example replacing unit, something like etalon (from French, meaning 'measuring gauge' or 'standard') . It was the high voltage power lines, whose energetic components (aura, zones, inter zones) don't move and could always be found in the same place. I did the first series of experiments in an environment, where I got experience that I then rechecked with other sources. I can recommend everyone who is interested in the research of dowsing to do the same. It is easy and very educational.

How to identify energetic components of high voltage power lines

Firstly, we have to make a dowsing rod from a wire of 3 mm diameter in a way that we take a 24 cm long wire, which we bend in the middle so it becomes U shaped. Then we stretch both its parts to have it like in the picture (above) in a way that the front side of the dowsing rod is 5 cm long. Then we have to find a high voltage power line (between 22 kV and 400 kV) in the vicinity, which is perpendicularly intersected by a not very busy road with a hard surface, and we can begin to build the "etalon" measuring units. We take the dowsing rod loosely between our thumb and middle finger. It is necessary that it sticks out of our aura so we need to hold it approximately 50 cm from our body. We can't try this after alcohol consumption. In this case even a long hand is short (the dowsing rod doesn't stick out from the aura of our body).

The aura is identified in a way that we go on the road from the middle of the high voltage power lines in one way until the dowsing rod reacts by bending either left or right. We mark the position of this dowsing rod reaction and in the same way we find the location of the dowsing rod reaction on the road in the other direction. If both these distances in the opposite directions are the same, we have worked precisely and the distance between opposite locations is approximately the diameter of aura of the high voltage power lines. The aura of high voltage power lines copies the shape of the source and has the shape of a cylinder and its diameter is in the range of tens of meters (depending on the voltage).

Next we have to find out about the properties of aura, which give us a hint about much information needed for further identification. At first, we check that it doesn't matter whether we go forwards or backwards with the dowsing rod in a way that we repeatedly walk backwards both directions - the dowsing rod will react in the same places. This fact comes well into use when we identify objects with small dimensions of aura, for example in the case of a human body, where it is not easy to distinguish between the border of aura from the reaction of a zone, etc. The dowsing rod has an answer for the question, whether we are located in the area of aura or not. We go with the dowsing rod in any direction in a way that the dowsing rod reacts in the rhythm of our steps by short movements to the left and right, but not in all cases, only when we walk at a certain speed. Everybody can find the right pace of walking in a few minutes. All the identifications need to be preceded by trying whether we are or are not in the space of aura. The common aura of a dense urban area could occupy large areas in the same way as a stadium that is full of people or an unmoved grassland, etc. The dowsing rod "motýlek" doesn't react in the space of the aura. - the aura of our body gained a common aura with the one where we are located and so it doesn't have an object with which it could react.

The dowsing rod reacts with energetic components in the perpendicular direction or in the direction that is not much deviated from the perpendicular direction. The greatness of deviation from the perpendicular direction could be found just with a little information, while we increase the deviation with each trial. We use this fact while looking for an energetically clear place, we realise that such a place needs to be crossed with the dowsing rod in more than one direction.

The same procedure would be used when looking for energetic zones. We go from the edge of the aura in one direction until the dowsing rod reacts, which we then mark again. Then we do identification in the opposite direction just to check. If we worked precisely, both distances between the aura and the zones are the same. In this way we mark other zones. It's not possible to find out the number of the zones. We will verify a rule, which works not only for the zones of high voltage wires, but also for zones of all other sources. Every first and second zone has the same width, but every third zone is about ten times wider. In the case of the zones of high voltage power lines, the first and the second is about 10 cm wide, the third about 100 cm. I have no clue why this is. Hopefully, someone of you will find the reason. We remember that the gaps between zones of high voltage power lines are about 10 meters wide. The zones, in the same way like aura, copy the shape of the source like skins. At greater distances from the source they gain large volumes.

Between the zones there are four inter zones, in some cases there are more. They are located closer to the zone in the direction towards the source (in our case towards the high voltage power lines). They could be identified with a dowsing rod if we make its front part longer by one centimeter. However, such a modified dowsing rod also reacts with the zones so we can use it only if we have done marking the zones. Now we have marked all three high voltage energetic components, which don't move - it is an optimal etalon for further research. Next we could compare the reaction of "motýlek" with the reactions of other types of dowsing rods and make first statistical data. Other data could be obtained by changing the sizes of dowsing rods.

The energetic components of any other sources could be obtained in the same way - a source is any lump of matter and we mustn't forget that by the inter contact of auras the sources gain one common aura. I could recommend getting further energetic experience with a small stream by a similar technique as with the high voltage power lines. By this, we remove the doubt that in the case of high voltage power lines the aura has something to do with the electromagnetic field. I recommend finding a similar place, like a bridge where a stream flows under a road. When identifying all three energetic components of the stream, we use the same technique as with the high voltage power lines. The result will be the same, except that we find that when the rate of flow of water changes, its energetic components will move. I shall recommend making a graph of an inner and outer bend of a stream - there will be a greater density of zones and inter zones on the inner bend. We will understand then why people used the inner bends to build certain structures. Such a place has more energy, which then accumulates in the mater of the structure. The moving zones of a stream give energy to the surrounding vegetation. In the same way, any other matter, including humans, could gain this energy. It's a new knowledge to us, but people already used it in the ancient times.

By monitoring the energy of a stream we learn to look for water springs. The zones of springs are easily distinguished from high voltage power lines zones by the fact that they change their direction and mainly because of different separation of the zones. When trying to identify a spring we find and mark at least three zones and the inter zones between them. By using the rule that the inter zones are located closer to the zone that is located in the direction of the source (the water spring) with respect to them, we easily get the direction in which to go. By finding and marking further zones in that direction we find, by looking for greater separation, the aura. In the middle of the aura, the place where the dowsing rod doesn't react is the spring. In another case if the spring is located deeper, the cylindrical aura is also located under the surface. In such a case the clue is given by the inter zones that are always located closer to the zone that is situated towards the source with respect to them. In the middle of the location where the inter zones between two zones point towards each other is the water stream. However, we have to realize that there are many energetic components everywhere and in urban areas it's almost impossible to orientate between them.

In a habitable house the sources are the matter of the house, electric cables, all kinds of electric components, water and heating pipes, all metal, zones that intersect the building (water springs, streams and rivers located far away, energetic wires, cumulus (thunderstorm) clouds, etc. If the auras of these sources are in contact, they join into one common source with a common aura. A large group of zones that are conductive for the cosmic energy doesn't create its common aura, but can manipulate the energy of the building in both directions.

Other useful knowledge could be gained when drawing the energetic graph of an automobile, which consists of these sources - all the metal, the air pressure in the tires (this could be easily verified with one tire by increasing its pressure), all kinds of electrical components, the chemical reactions occurring when the engine is running, the energy of the fuel in the tank and the matter of people in the car. In this case the auras of all the sources overlap each other so the car becomes one source with a common aura. The graph could be constructed in a way that we place the car in an energetically clear space and draw its position. By the known procedure we find its aura with the use of a dowsing rod and then add it to the graph. We do the same when the lights and other electrical components are on, with the engine started, when a driver sits in it, with greater revolutions per minute of the engine and with more passengers. In this way we could observe the increase in size of the common aura.

You will be surprised by the difference in size of drivers' aura before a journey and after it. Also, you will likely think about a situation when there is traffic jam on a road. All the vehicles gain one common aura in this way, which is intersected by an uncountable number of zones and its energy is increased in this way. The greater aura of organisms shows greater charge on the membranes of our cells. We could do an easy experiment with capacitors to confirm that great aura creates health problems including thinking mistakes.

After a short break from our trial etalon we return to it with more experience. You can do experiments with anything that comes to your mind. I recommend starting working with an assistant whose differences in the size of aura after an hour in an aura or a zone of high voltage lines could be monitored. It won't be less interesting to monitor how long it takes for the aura of your assistant to get into its original size in a clear location. You will be surprised what happens with his or her aura if you put a small bottle of alcohol into his or her pocket. You won't miss the fact that dowsing rod can reliably indicate the presence of alcohol in a human body to an extent, when common detectors don't anymore.

When the assistant is on a metal bed he or she has a common aura with it. I could recommend placing this bed out of all zones. You can go back to the ancient times and create menhirs from rocks near water streams. You easily get to know by experience that a menhir has more energy in vertical position then in horizontal position. If you think about the actions of people in history, you have to consider the fact that in those times there were only natural sources present on the Earth. I can't judge by how much these natural energetic sources were increased by the sources of our civilisation. In the air there are thousands of aircrafts that interact with all cumulus and cumulonimbus (thunderstorm) clouds. On the ground these are the great cities, power stations, power lines, millions of vehicles, hundreds of thousands of ships on the sea, electromagnetic waves that are present everywhere, etc. The attempt of medics to manipulate the energy of a human body in this way could cause negative reactions as we don't know the optimal value of the capacitance of the membranes of our cells as measured by the size of the aura and also we don't know the properties of aura. We have to wait for the view of specialists or for the construction of measuring devices that could be built into mobile phones in the future.

We still don't know what natural force moves the dowsing rod but we could definitely mark the places where it reacts. These could be the starting point for further research. It's hasn't been explained yet why the dowsing rod doesn't work for some people. However, there is information in history that could have something in common with this problematic.

March 2007

Miroslav Provod

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November 2007: An interesting discussion on the placement of Logan Stones and other pre-historic stone and clay constructions, by Miroslav Provod

Logan stones

Logan stones are heavy stones that are located around the world in the same way as menhirs, dolmens and other megalithic structures. Their speciality is the fact that they aren't in contact with the subsoil by a surface, but only by a point. Some of them are balanced in a way that wind swings them. In other cases, rocks are placed onto a few smaller stones. A similar placing could also be found with dolmens, where a top desk is placed on top points of stones. The placing onto small surfaces isn't coincidental but has its foundation. In my previous articles on, where I'm writing about properties of cosmic energy, I'm stating the conditions under which the flow of energy occurs. Matter could gain energy, it could be in a balanced state or it could be losing energy. The construction of Logan stones wasn't coincidental, the energetic loses were higher than the gains in their locations and therefore it was necessary to minimize loses in a way that the contact surface of the rock with the subsoil was minimized. The same technology was used by the constructors of mounds and other clay ramparts, who separated the matter of the rampart from the subsoil by organic matter. In the case of Logan stones the matter of the rock is separated from the subsoil mainly by an air gap.

This could easily be understood, but it's much more complicated in the case of Logan stones that are swung by the wind. Balancing of such a heavy rock was much labored and this must have had a significant reason. I was looking for the answer by doing experiments. I connected a sphere made from red granite that weighed 6 kilograms to a tree branch by a two meters long string and swung it for fifteen minutes. I was surprised when I then identified the energetic gain of the granite sphere - I measured its aura having two meters in radius. I repeated the same experiment a number of times in other places always with the same result. This proves that Logan stones gain further energy by the swinging motion. This and previous experiments show that the motion of matter could also be a source of cosmic energy in other cases. It will be interesting to invigorate this phenomenon in other cases.

I think that the time to correct our present opinion about the technical level of prehistoric civilizations has come. Hundreds of thousands of accumulators of cosmic energy (menhirs, dolmens, Logan stones, clay ramparts and other megalithic constructions) located around the world hint that they couldn't have been built by primitive peoples. On the contraries, we aren't able to understand the purpose of megalithic constructions, which is highlighting the forwardness of early cultures. If we think about it in a way that the direction of their technical development could have been different from ours it will induce an increased interest in further research in this field.

Miroslav Provod


Reichenbach do not treat od as magnetism, since magnet is also one source of od energy. Odyle is said to have dualism. And both can coexist together and do not neutralize each other in a body.

Different od pole give different reaction to our body. Both is needed at different time. right body is od-negative and left body is od-positive.

People who can detect aura has most sensitivity in the forehead, pit of stomach and finger point. They can detect sound, light, material in the same manner and can detect through things.

Water can have increased aura with heat of microwave radiation but according to reichenbach this kind of water will induce illness since it become very strong od-positive. For good aura it should have been cold and radiated with north pole, point of crystal or positive of electricity.

It is important to notice the difference between positive and negative enhancement. An increase of aura is not always postive. Too much od-positive have negative effect.

It is also important to learn Viktor grebenikov Cavernous Structures Effect where good energy is emitted by honey bee hieve, and bad energy is emitted by wasp hive.

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