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Quantum Mechanics, Non-locality and the Structure of the Invisible World

One of my complaints with physics has been that it tends to limit the field of enquiry to embrace only what can be measured, accepting only matter (physical existence) and energy (motion) as things to be investigated and theorized about.


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Underlying invisible non-physical realities are relegated to the world of the paranormal, never thought of as possible candidates of ultimate cause for physical existence. So I am happy to see this paper by Rinaldo Lampis, who argues that our current model

"...clashes increasingly with a view of Reality that arises from theoretical analysis and experimental findings. The discrete, reductionist, mathematical-model approach, used to explain the functioning of simple physical objects like engines or solar systems, is not suitable when we desire to explain more complex phenomena..."

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Quantum Mechanics, Non-locality and the Structure of the Invisible World

The Physics of Mind as the Basis of Reality


The aim of the present paper is to describe a physical reality in which its two major components, mind and matter, are reunited. Historically, it was Descartes who invented this artificial separation, creating it for the purpose of better describing the inanimate world. Unfortunately, neither he nor his followers seemed to grasp the fact that the price to pay for a better, local understanding of nature would be the traveling of a rational dead-end road. As this paper will show, mounting evidence of strong connections between the mind and the material world, and the discovery of the Quantum Mechanical and nonlocal properties of reality are causing the defense of a Cartesian approach to matter to become as untenable as the Aristotelian view became after Copernicus.

Any serious researcher should never lose sight of the fact that science is always a provisional report, a system of beliefs historically conditioned by personal opinions about the nature of reality. Troubles always arise when beliefs become so entrenched as to become dogmas. The presently accepted provisional report mentions concepts such as space (distance) and time as essential ideas needed to describe reality. Is that really so? What happens to those beliefs now that, by using other natural properties like vibration and nonlocality, we can describe reality just as well? Indeed, the model of Reality here described depicts a whole, indivisible, frequential universe, pervaded throughout by an irreducible degree of non-locality that allows the interaction (in terms of resonance) of all elements, no matter how far apart spatially they may be. In this model, the role of mind is not that of a separate entity detached from the physical world; on the contrary, it will be shown that mind is the real originator of reality as we know it.

When people were trying to understand the solar system with algebra and geometry, they could only describe the planets' orbits. The invention of calculus was necessary to understand what actually happened. To comprehend the implications of this Reality, we don't have to wait for the creation of any new idea; the model is already explainable in terms of existing concepts such as resonance, emergence, thought-forms, archetypes and nonlocality. The difficult aspect, rather, is the willingness on the part of the reader to put aside memorized explanations, and to exercise unbiased reason and judgment.

To read the whole paper: Quantum Mechanics, Non-locality and the Structure of the Invisible World

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