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Matching entries from Sepp Hasslberger

Book: An Attempt to Restore Classical Physics

Paul E. Rowe, in his recently published book An Attempt to Restore Classical Physics, provides a summation of his life's work. Rowe is a chemist who found, much to his surprise, that under certain conditions, hydrogen would appear in closed,...

Gravity and the Nature of the Chemical Bond?

Paul Rowe has sent a short article that I would like to post here. Some articles by Rowe posted previously: A History of Dark Matter? Controlled Transmutation of Elements Under Surprisingly Mild Conditions? Hydrogen From Space - The Aether 'Comes...

Motion-Induced Clock Slowing and the Ether Revolution

Is space penetrated by a non material or rather pre-material 'substance', or is it completely void? This question has occupied scientists for more than a century. At present, the going consensus seems to be that there is 'no need' for...

Controlled Transmutation of Elements Under Surprisingly Mild Conditions?

Paul Rowe's investigations into the appearance of hydrogen gas seemingly out of nothing during electrical or explosive discharge in a vacuum have stirred a good deal of interest. Alchemist - Image credit: Occultopedia Previous articles on this line of research...

A History of Dark Matter?

Paul Rowe has been investigating an interesting phenomenon - the unexplained production of hydrogen in circumstances that should not ordinarily allow for the release of the gas. In an earlier article, Hydrogen From Space - The Aether 'Comes Alive', Rowe...

Hydrogen From Space - The Aether 'Comes Alive'

In a recent article published in Infinite Energy magazine, Paul E. Rowe asks the question, whether hydrogen, which can be produced from the vacuum of space by electrical discharge, might become an unexpected source of clean energy. See An Unexpected...

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